sheryl aboveandbeyond

Above and Beyond

Case Studies

Winter in New Zealand can turn even the most charming homes chilly and damp, a reality Sheryl Drummond knows all too well. Sheryl's 1936 character home, with its classic brick and roughcast charm, had plenty of appeal, but it definitely lacked the all-important warmth and cosiness that makes winters bearable. 

"Moving from a more modern home to this character-filled gem was a shock to the system," she says. “Honestly, it was freezing. My power bill went from something like $200 to $600 in the first month I was here. I knew I couldn’t afford to sustain that sort of cost.”

Heating hurdles

The plan to warm up her home began with the usual suspects – roof insulation, double-glazed windows, and swapping out the night store heater to more efficient heat pumps. Each step brought a degree of improvement, but the elusive goal of a truly warm and cost-effective home remained just out of reach.

Sheryl first learned about Insulmax® from a builder who was temporarily renting her home while she was away in Australia.

“I told him my next step was to install electric radiators in each room,” she says. “He said I would be wasting my money because all the heat was just going out the walls.”

With wall insulation as the obvious solution, Sheryl assumed the job would involve stripping off the walls. “I imagined the disruption of pulling off the GIB board, replacing it, and redoing all the wallpapering. The cost would have been huge! That’s when the builder suggested Insulmax® as a smarter, more efficient alternative."

The Insulmax® experience

Sheryl's decision to go with Insulmax® turned out to be a pivotal moment. The process, she found, was impressively straightforward and the team's professionalism stood out.

"They were quick to assess my home and provide a quote, reassuring me about the effectiveness of their product," she says.

The impact of the insulation was immediate and profound. "The difference was like night and day," Sheryl says. "Where I once needed a blanket indoors, I now find the house comfortably warm with just the heat pumps. Even in summer, I was still having to put the heat pump on at night. But now, the warmth of the sun is staying in the house and not escaping out.”

Sheryl's power bills, once a significant strain, have seen a noticeable decrease. "I'm saving at least $50 every month on power just from the insulation. That adds up to a considerable amount.

“I’ve been so pleased with the result. Double glazing, insulating the ceiling, and recarpeting all helped. But none of that really came together until I had the walls insulated.”

Awesome aftercare

Sheryl was particularly impressed with the exceptional aftercare provided by the Insulmax® team.

A big concern was the potential for visible signs of the insulation work on the roughcast exterior.

"Insulmax® went above and beyond. They didn't just fill the holes. They went out of their way to ensure they had the exact shade of paint for the exterior touch-ups. They did a great job - it’s as if the holes were never there."

This level of aftercare and attention to detail solidified Sheryl's confidence in her choice. "It's not just about the initial installation with Insulmax®; it's their ongoing commitment to ensuring everything is perfect. That kind of service is rare and truly appreciated.

"For anyone living in an older home and struggling with the cold, I can't recommend Insulmax® highly enough. It's not just an investment in your home's comfort but in its overall value and your wellbeing.


Note: Our case studies are conducted through interviews with our customers to provide context and background to their experiences. We greatly appreciate their willingness to share their stories, and we respect their right to privacy, which is why we use pseudonyms to protect their identities. On our website, you can find numerous testimonials in our clients' own words, accompanied by images of their homes, all available in the "Testimonials" section. For the case study itself, we have utilised stock images instead of our clients' actual homes.