rachel tickingboxes

Ticking all the boxes for tenants and landlords

Case Studies

Ticking all the boxes for tenants and landlords

As a landlord, Rachel says she’s always been committed to providing a comfortable home for her tenants. She’s owned her Auckland rental property for ten years but wasn’t aware of any insulation issues until new tenants moved in more recently.

"My first tenants didn't mention anything, so I thought everything was fine. The house had ceiling and floor insulation, and I assumed it was doing the job," she explained.

However, things changed when a family with two daughters who had asthma moved in. The mother asked Rachel to visit in the morning to feel the temperature in the end bedrooms.

“I couldn’t believe it,” says Rachel. “The bedrooms were actually colder inside than outside!” she says.

Struggling to hold in the heat

To tackle the chilly bedrooms, Rachel installed heat pumps, which helped but didn’t completely solve the issue.

“My son and daughter-in-law moved soon after and mentioned that while the bedrooms could be warmed, the rest of the house felt like an icebox.”

This made Rachel rethink the insulation situation. “I thought the ceiling insulation might need topping up. So I contacted Insulmax® to look at getting that done. I didn’t even consider the walls until the inspection revealed they were completely empty.”

Though initially sceptical about whether it would make any difference, she decided to start by insulating the three bedrooms. “That very afternoon, the difference was noticeable. The rooms felt noticeably different - warmer and quieter definitely, but also just cosier. Like a big blanket had been wrapped around the house.”

Total confidence

Rachel says she has nothing but good things to say about Insulmax®. “They were informative, friendly, and answered all my questions. Their quotes were clear, so I knew exactly what to expect.”

She was also reassured by the product’s safety. “One of the reasons I chose Insulmax® was because the product didn’t pose health risks or fire hazards. It ticked all the boxes and had been around long enough for me to feel confident in it.”

Rachel says she now plans to extend the insulation to the rest of the house.

Comfort and warmth comes first

As a landlord, Rachel says her main concern is her tenants’ comfort and wellbeing.

“I owe it to them to ensure the house is as comfortable as my own, especially when so many kids these days have asthma and lung problems. A warm, dry house is a must.”

She also sees it as a smart property decision. “It’s an investment in people and their comfort which is always the priority, but it’s also an investment in the property itself.”

A decision you won’t regret

Rachel’s experience with Insulmax® has been overwhelmingly positive, and she’s keen to recommend it to others.

“I was talking to my sister-in-law recently who just had double glazing done – at a cost of something like $30,000. I asked her what the improvement was, and she said it’s been a bit disappointing. I suggested to her that she has her wall insulation checked. I think that for the money, it’s a much better solution.

“If you’re unsure, have a chat with your local Insulmax® team and read some of the reviews. My own experience has been very positive, and I’m so glad I had it done.”


Note: Our case studies are conducted through interviews with our customers to provide context and background to their experiences. We greatly appreciate their willingness to share their stories, and we respect their right to privacy, which is why we use pseudonyms to protect their identities. On our website, you can find numerous testimonials in our clients' own words, accompanied by images of their homes, all available in the "Testimonials" section. For the case study itself, we have utilised stock images instead of our clients' actual homes.